DS-160 Walkthrough
DS-160 Cheat Sheet
The DS-160, Online Nonimmigrant Visa Application, must be submitted by all non-immigrant United States visa applicants. The DS-160 is a lengthy form, and may take you a few days to complete. Start your visa process early, and be sure to save after each page. Pay careful attention when filling out the DS-160; all information must be accurate, honest, and must match what you say during your visa interview. Click the links below to guide you through the application.
+ Getting Started
1. Select your relevant embassy. It is vital that you select the specific embassy you will be attending for your interview. If you choose the wrong one, you will need to go through the DS-160 process again.
2. Take note of your Application ID. It is required to retrieve a saved application, and to track submissions.
3. Select a security question and take note of the answer. The DS-160 isn't something you can start over again with ease, so pick a question and answer you will remember.
+ Personal Information 1
1. NAMES: Ensure that your answers in these boxes match your passport EXACTLY, including all middle names in the 'Given Names' box.
2. FULL NAME IN NATIVE ALPHABET: Write your first name(s) including special characters and accents where applicable.
3. HAVE YOU EVER USED OTHER NAMES?: If you answer yes to this question, you will be asked to fill out the fields labeled 'Other Surnames Used' and 'Other Given Names Used.' Write in any other names you use or have used in the past. For example, if you are a married woman you should fill in your maiden name here. If you are a performer or artist known by a stage or pen name, you should include that here.
4. DO YOU HAVE A TELECODE THAT REPRESENTS YOUR NAME?: A telecode is a 4-digit number that represents alphabet characters. These are used in countries that use non-Roman alphabets. For other countries, check the box that says 'No.'
5. SEX: Select male or female.
6. MARTITAL STATUS: Select the appropriate marital status.
7. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: Enter your date of birth as shown on your passport. Select the name that is currently used for the place where you were born.
+ Personal Information 2
1. COUNTRY/REGION OF ORIGIN: Select your country of nationality.
2. DO YOU HOLD ANY NATIONALITY OTHER THAN THE ONE INDICTED ABOVE?: Select 'Yes' or 'No" appropriately. You need to include all nationalities you currently hold or previously held, even if you formally and/or legally relinquished any of them.
4. NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: Enter your National Identification Number if applicable. Note that the Aadhaar number for citizens of India is not a National Identification Number.
5. US SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: If you were issued a US social security number, enter it here. Otherwise, check 'Does Not Apply.'
6. US TAXPAYER ID NUMBER: If you were issued an ITIN Number or any other taxpayer ID number, enter it here. Otherwise, check 'Does Not Apply.'
+ Address and Phone
1. HOME ADDRESS: Enter your complete home address including apartment number, street, city, taluk or district, state or province, postal code, and country.
2. MAILING ADDRESS: If your mailing address is different from your home address, you will be asked to enter your entire mailing address here. This is the address where your passport will be sent to you if your visa is approved, so double check your answers.
3. PRIMARY PHONE NUMBER: The primary phone number should be the phone number at which you are most likely to be reached.
4. SECONDARY PHONE NUMBER: List your secondary phone number if applicable. Otherwise, click 'Does Not Apply.'
5. WORK PHONE NUMBER: List your work phone number if applicable. Otherwise, click 'Does Not Apply.'
6. EMAIL ADDRESS: The email address provided will be used for correspondence purposes. Provide an email address that is secure and to which you have reasonable access, and be sure to double check your answer.
7. SOCIAL MEDIA: Select from the list each social media platform you have used within the last five years. In the space next to the platform's name, enter the username or handle you have used on that platform. If you have used more than one platform or more than one username on a single platform, click the 'Add Another' button to list each one separately. If you have not used any of the listed social media platforms in the last five years, click 'None.'
+ Passport
1. PASSPORT/TRAVEL DOCUMENT TYPE: Select 'Regular' unless you are a diplomat.
2. PASSPORT BOOK NUMBER: Commonly called the inventory control number. You may or may not have a Passport Book Number on your passport. If you do not, click 'Does Not Apply.'
3. COUNTRY/AUTHORITY THAT ISSUED PASSPORT/TRAVEL DOCUMENT: Select the country that issued your passport. If you have renewed your passport in a country other than your country of origin, the answer to this question is still your country of origin.
4. WHERE WAS THE PASSPORT/TRAVEL DOCUMENT ISSUED?: List the city, state or province, and country where your passport was issued.
5. EXPIRATION DATE: Fill in the expiration date of your passport. Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months beyond the period of stay for the visa for which you are applying. In other words, if you apply for a 6-month visa starting in October, your passport must be valid until at least September.
+ Travel
1. PURPOSE OF TRIP TO THE US: Select the appropriate visa class. For temporary visitor visas, select 'BUSINESS AND TOURISM (B1/B2)'.
2. HAVE YOU MADE SPECIFIC TRAVEL PLANS?: Select 'Yes' only if you have already purchased flight tickets and secured hotel accomodations.
3. INTENDED DATE OF ARRIVAL: Select the approximate date on which you intend to arrive in the United States. If you are unsure, provide an estimate.
4. INTENDED LENGTH OF STAY IN THE US: Select the approximate number of days you intend to spend in the US on this trip.
5. ADDRESS WHERE YOU WILL STAY IN THE US: Write the address where you will stay in the United States. This should be the address where you can actually be contacted, but you don't necessarily have to stay at that address for your entire trip. 'A hotel' or 'with friends' is not a proper answer to this question.
6. PERSON/ENTITY PAYING FOR YOUR TRIP: You can choose from the following options: Self; Other Person; Present Employer; Employer in the US; Other Company/Organization. If you select 'Other Person,' you will likely need to submit Form I-134, Affidavit of Support and other financial support documents.
+ Travel Companions
1. ARE THERE OTHER PERSONS TRAVELING WITH YOU?: Answer 'Yes' if you are traveling with family or as part of an organized tour, performing group, or an athletic team. You should only enter the names of close family members, such as your spouse and minor children, who will be traveling with you. Otherwise, answer 'No.'
2. ARE YOU TRAVELING AS PART OF A GROUP OR ORGANIZATION?: If you answer 'Yes,' enter the group name. If you answer 'No,' you will be asked to provide additional information about your travel companions.
+ Previous US Travel
1. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN IN THE US?: If you answer 'Yes,' you will be asked to provide your Date of Arrival and Length of Stay. The consulate will look to see whether you left on time, and may also check to see if you have violated any other visa terms during your past visit(s).
2. DO YOU OR DID YOU EVER HOLD A US DRIVER'S LICENSE?: If you answer 'Yes,' you will be asked to provide your Driver's License Number and State.
3. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ISSUED A US VISA?: If you have ever been issued a US visa before (even if it is a different type than you are currently applying for), write the details here. Most non-immigrant visas would not create problems for returning to the US, unless you had overstayed the visa expiration date. If you answer 'Yes,' you will have to provide the date your visa was issued and the Visa Number. This number is typed in red toward the right side of the visa stamp. For lost or stolen visas, check 'Do Not Know.'
4. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN REFUSED A US VISA, BEEN REFUSED ADMISSION TO THE UNITED STATES, OR WITHDRAWN YOUR APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION AT THE POINT OF ENTRY?: If you have ever been refused a US visa, write the details about it here. Consulates check your answers with immigration records, and lying on the DS-160 application will almost definitely ensure a denial.
5. ARE YOU OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A US LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENT?: Select 'Yes' only if you had/have an approved immigrant petition. Otherwise, select 'No.'
6. HAS ANYONE EVER FILED AN IMMIGRANT PETITION ON YOUR BEHALF WITH THE USCIS?: If 'Yes,' provide the details of your old/existing immigrant petition, such as the priority date and receipt number.
+ US Contact
1. CONTACT PERSON: Enter the surname and given names of the person you know or will be visiting in the United States. If you don't know anyone, check 'Do Not Know.'
2. ORGANIZATION NAME: Enter the name of the organization you know or will be visiting in the US. If you will not be visiting any, you can enter your hotel name or just check 'Do Not Know.'
3. RELATIONSHIP TO YOU: Select your US contact person's or organization's relationship to you.
4. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER OF POINT OF CONTACT: Provide the complete address and phone number. If you checked 'Do Not Know' above, enter the address of the hotel or place you will be staying. Enter all 9's if you do not know the phone number.
+ Family Information: Relatives
1. FATHERS FULL NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Provide all requested information or click 'Do Not Know.'
2. MOTHER'S FULL NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Provide all requested information or click 'Do Not Know.'
3. DO YOU HAVE ANY IMMEDIATE RELATIVES, NOT INCLUDING PARENTS, IN THE UNITED STATES?: This refers only to your fiance, spouse, child, or siblings. If you answer 'Yes,' you will be asked to provide their names, relationship to you, and US status.
4. SPOUSE'S FULL NAME AND DATE OF BIRTH: Provide all requested information or click 'Do Not Know.' K1/K2 visa applicants should NOT enter any information here.
+ Work/Education/Training
1. PRIMARY OCCUPATION: Select the closest choice on the drop-down list. Depending upon the answer you select, you may be asked further questions. If you choose 'UNEMPLOYED,' you will be asked to provide an explanation.
2. PRESENT EMPLOYER OR SCHOOL NAME: Enter the name of your employer or school, or write 'Self Employed' if applicable.
3. PRESENT EMPLOYER OR SCHOOL ADDRESS: Provide the complete address. If you are self employed, write your home address or primary business location.
4. MONTHLY INCOME IN LOCAL CURRENCY: If you are employed, specify your monthly income. If you are paid salary, divide it by 12. If you do not receive a fixed salary, you must enter an estimate of your average earnings for a month. You should provide information about the amount of money you receive each month, regardless of the source.
5. BRIEFLY DESCRIBE YOUR DUTIES: This means your job or other primary daily activities. Be specific in describing your occupation. Even if you do not have a 9 to 5 type of job, try to list something here. This will help show that you have some activity that will attract you back home when your visit to the US is over.
6. PREVIOUS WORK/EDUCATION/TRAINING: You will need to provide your employment information for the last five years, if applicable. You can add multiple employments by clicking 'Add Another.'
7. ADDITIONAL WORK/EDUCATION/TRAINING INFORMATION: Form DS-160 asks a series of questions about your employment and education history. Provide complete and accurate information to all questions that require an explanation.
+ Security and Background
Select 'Yes' or 'No' accordingly. All of these questions check for grounds of inadmissibility. If you check 'Yes' for any of them, you will be denied a visa and will need to file a waiver prior to completing the DS-160. For most people, the answers to these questions will all be 'No.' However, make sure to answer all questions truthfully.
+ Signature and Confirmation Page
1. SIGNATURE: If the applicant is under the age of 16 years old or is unable to electronically sign the form because of some physical incapacity, the online application form must be submitted by their parent or guardian. You must enter the code exactly as shown on the right side. That, along with your passport number, serves as your digital signature.
2. CONFIRMATION PAGE: Once you complete the online form, print the DS-160 confirmation page to bring with you to your interview. Before you close the application, you should also click 'Email Confirmation.' Without the confirmation, it may not be possible to access your application and/or process your visa application.
3. PHOTO UPLOAD: If you see an 'X' in the box on the confirmation page where the photo should be, your photo upload failed. You will need to bring one printed photograph the meets the DOS requirements to your interview with you.